I work in Kirkwall at the Suilven Centre, East Road. It's the house before Orkney College. There is a blue bicycle sign on a lampost right outside the clinic.
You first appointment will last up to an hour and include a full comprehensive assessment. At the end of this session you will be given a full diagnosis with treatment included as well. How we can help the problem will be discussed with you. Normally home exercises and treatment will be provided also.
Further appointments will last 30 minutes.
Your first appointment will cost £50. Subsequent appointments will cost £38.
The clinic is the only BUPA registered physiotherapy practice in Orkney. We are also registered with other major health insurance companies.You do not have to be registered with a health insurance company to receive treatment at the clinic. If you do have private insurance please bring details of your policy with you to your first appointment.
Payment is accepted by card,cash or cheque made payable to "Orkney Physiotherapy".